Friday, January 25, 2013

Milk & Cookies....for Mommy!

Many of you know, there are a few things I am passionate about.  Breastfeeding being at the top of said list.

The boys and I are going strong at almost 13 months of our breastfeeding relationship.  Thankfully I have never had a supply issue and I have always been able to pump for them while away, but I am always in for a bit of a supply boost to have "extra" for them in the freezer in case of emergencies.

Another one of my passions....Breastfeeding groups on Facbeook. Breast is Best, Dispelling Breastfeeding Myths, The Analytical Armadillo and Mama's Milkies to name a few.  While perusing one day I saw a post about lactation cookies.  In the past (I think the boys were a few months old), I made my own.  They were okay horrible.  So you can imagine my excitement when I found a site for someone that made them. 

Mason's Milk & Mommy's Cookies offers over 23 different flavors of lactation cookies.  Her cookies are also available in dairy, soy, egg, wheat, corn, peanut, tree nut and gluten free!
I ordered the Oatmeal Peanut Butter Chip and Chocolate Chip flavor in the 10-Day trail package.  She offers a 10-Day Trial, One Month Supply and Cookie Mix (dry mix).  Priority shipping is used and typically arrives in 2-3 days.  Mine arrived in 4 days (where I live the mail is extremely slow....out here in the COUNTRY!).  The cookies were packaged in a small cardboard box, wrapped on the inside with bubble wrap.  All cookies were still broken ones! 

There is a "suggested consumption schedule" listed on her website....I wish I could say that you can strictly follow, however, I did not...I ate 4 the first day because they are AMAZING!

Day 1:  3 cookies
Day 2:  2 cookies
Day 3:  1 cookie
Day 4:  1 cookie
Day 5:  1 cookie
Day 6:  1 cookie
Day 7:  1 cookie
Day 8:  1 cookie
Day 9:  1 cookie
Day 10:  1 cookie
What do I think?  First and foremost, this is a generous sized cookie.  I was actually expecting it to be smaller, so I was pleased with this.  Have they boosted my milk supply?  I cannot say with 100% certainty, however, I am on day 3 and I am pumping 1-2 additional ounces when I pump and I do feel "fuller".  I think that these cookies are reasonably priced, offer a very reasonable shipping rate and they arrived very quickly!  They have a great taste and you cannot eat just one!
What did I not like?  Honestly, I was 100% satisfied...just wish I had ordered more the first go round. 
This would make a great shower gift, or new mommy gift!
Confession....I ordered more today...the AMERICA flavor (dried cranberries, dried blueberries and white chocolate chips).  Stayed tuned for more!
You can visit Mason's Milk and Mommy's Cookies on Facebook.
Have you tried a lactation cookie?  Made your own? Ordered from somewhere else?  Leave your comments below.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Welcome 2013

New blog design

What do I want to accomplish with my blog this year? I first started this blog to share my experiences with family and friends and to get away from the typical every day social media.  Over the past year I have become very passionate about a few say the least.  I am a supporter and advocate of breastfeeding, cloth diapering, Attachment Parenting, gardening and overall doing what is best for my children and husband.

This blog will offer a variety and mixture of things from life experiences to monthly subscription reviews....come along for the journey and I hope you enjoy!